
Coccothraustes coccothraustes

A regular vagrant to the Pribilofs during the spring, this species is much rarer at other times of the year in the islands. Spring records span from late May to mid-June, though the best time to see this species is likely May 25th-June 5th, which is when a majority of records have occurred. Of the summer records, one is a spring holdover, while the other records are of unexpected arrivals in late June and late July. There are only a few fall records, which is likely due to this species being found very late in the season on average after the latest coverage has been present. The only fall records from the tour season are an unexpected late August individual and two records from early October, which is likely to be the best time to look for this species.

A single Hawfinch seen in June 2003 was noted carrying nesting material, however no further nesting evidence was found.

Photo by Doug Gochfeld
Photo by Ryan P. O’Donnell
Photo by Tom Johnson
Photo by Tom Johnson
Hawfinch (right) with Brambling by Tom Johnson