This is a common to abundant, winter resident that can be found regularly in the spring and fall, while a few linger into the summer in some years. In most years, the bulk of wintering birds have left the Pribilofs by May 25th with smaller numbers continuing until June 10th and only a few lingering birds into the early summer. A noticeable increase in numbers (up to five daily) typically does not happen until early August with a further rise in numbers after mid-September. Numbers have typically not risen above the mid-September increase by mid-October with larger numbers not arriving until late fall or early winter. The largest numbers of this species are likely found in late winter (January-April) in association with sea ice. The small breeding colony that once existed on Walrus Island (15 pairs in 1914) was reduced to only two pairs by 1949, with no further evidence of nesting since then. This colony was the southernmost breeding site for this species when it was extant.