Much like the Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), this species has very different patterns on different islands within the Pribilofs. It is an uncommon resident on St. George Island (though as of yet, no evidence of nesting has been found) where at any given time one to several birds are typically present. Despite this, it is not a regular species on the other islands of the Pribilofs. It is found almost annually on St. Paul Island, and at times they may be present for extended periods of months or years; however, it is not a resident of the island. Individuals are most likely to be seen in the spring (late May) but may appear at any time. The first non-St. George Island record for the Pribilofs was from Sea Lion Rock in January 1919 with the next such sighting, this one from St. Paul Island, not recorded until August 1981.
That this species has not yet colonized the Pribilof Islands is a somewhat surprising situation, though seemingly increased records during the 2000s and 2010s on St. Paul Island may suggest that this scenario could be happening currently.