This species is a regular breeder on the larger islands in the Pribilofs, with small numbers augmenting the local populations during spring and fall migration. While this species is never common, its preferred habitat concentrates it on the islands making it a visible part of the island’s bird life when it is present from May-September. Small numbers begin to arrive around May 10th-15th in most years with the largest numbers present in late May and early-to-mid August. Small numbers will remain to breed (5-10 pairs on St. Paul Island) with nesting becoming evident by the end of June; young birds have usually fledged by mid-July when the juveniles begin to gather along the island’s coasts. These local birds are joined by migrants during July and August with the makeup of sightings at this time becoming cloudy. This species is rarely found after the first few days of September with only two records of birds arriving after the first week of the month.