McKay’s Bunting

Plectrophenax hyperboreus

A sporadic migrant, extremely rare breeder, and regular winter visitor, this species is best found in early spring, late fall, or winter in the Pribilofs. During spring migration this species is most regularly found from May 20th to June 5th, and very rarely an occasional migrant has remained to breed among the much more common Snow Buntings (Plectrophenax hyperboreus) into June and July. In general, this species is never located first during the summer. There remain few fall records though there are several recent records from early October and this species is likely to be much more regular in late October and November in the Pribilofs. Likely a few remain most winters in mixed-species flocks with Snow Buntings, though there is little coverage at that time.

Photo by Alison Vilag
Photo by Cory Gregory
Photo by Kayo Roy
Photo by Marshall Iliff