A regular spring and fall migrant to the Pribilofs, this species is most likely to be seen in late May or late August. It is found annually in the spring with records spanning most of May and June, though the time period from May 20th to June 5th has been the most productive over the long-term. By June 10th sightings begin to slow down with arrivals being very rare after that date. Early summer lingerers are still rare, though they are more common than summer arrivals, and birds linger into that period on occasion. Early fall arrivals in July and early August are still unusual but have occurred every year or two. Fall sightings typically begin after August 10th with consistent records from about August 15th-September 5th. The best time is the final week of August. Arrivals are rare after the first week of September with only a handful of arrivals during mid-late September and very early October. During years with large numbers of spring arrivals, birds have lingered into the summer and been found displaying, though no evidence of nesting has ever been recorded.