Eyebrowed Thrush

Turdus obscurus

A semi-annual migrant/vagrant on the Pribilofs during the spring season, this species has been noted between mid-May and mid-June with the peak of occurrence from May 25th to June 5th. There is only a single summer record from late June and early July during a large movement of failed breeding birds and no fall records prior to late September. This species has been recorded semi-regularly during the fall season from late September to mid-October, though it is likely a regular migrant/vagrant at this time, which has only recently seen extensive coverage.

Photo by Doug Gochfeld
Photo by Doug Gochfeld
Photo by Sulli Gibson
Eyebrowed Thrush (front) with Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch by Doug Gochfeld
Photo by Doug Gochfeld
Photo by Neil Hayward
Photo by Nat Drumheller