A very rare spring vagrant, this species is most often found during fall when it is less-than-annual but not unexpected. During the spring this species is most likely to be found in late May, while the best period to look in the fall is from August 20th-September 5th. Records into late September are similar to […]
Category: Birds of St. Paul Island
Red-flanked Bluetail
A rare fall vagrant, this species is most readily found in late fall during late September and early October and has been annual on the Pribilofs in recent years. Fall records have occurred as early as mid-September, while the two spring records from early-mid June are in line with the timing of records of other […]
Taiga Flycatcher
A rare vagrant species that has been found in three distinct time periods during the spring and fall. The spring records are centered on June 1st, while fall records have been found during two time frames, the end of August, which is similar to several other Old World Flycatchers, while the other records come from […]
Common Redstart
The first, and so far only, record for North America of this species was found during early October on St. Paul Island. This long-distance migrant breeds as close as central Asia and while further records in North America are unlikely, the late fall period is the most likely time considering range and timing of migration […]
Northern Wheatear
This species is a regular spring migrant that has been found from mid-May to mid-June with the peak of occurrence during the final week of May. It is relatively rare during June in the spring and no records have come from the early summer period. The only summer records are from late July and early […]
Mountain Bluebird
A single fall record of this species on St. Paul Island is the only sighting of this species in the Pribilof Islands and all of the Bering Sea region. A rare-but-regular and perhaps increasing breeder in interior Alaska, this species is not to be expected in western Alaska, but the fall should be the best […]
Gray-cheeked Thrush
A rare spring vagrant with a few records from late May to mid-June, mostly in mid-June, and an even rarer summer vagrant with a single early July record of what was likely a failed breeding bird and very early southbound wanderer. It is found much more frequently during the fall and has been seen annually […]
Swainson’s Thrush
The rarest of the Catharus thrushes found in the Pribilofs, this species is most often found during the first half of September coinciding with the peak of the similar, but more common, Gray-cheeked Thrush (Catharus minimus). The records that lie outside of the first half of September during the fall come from late August and […]
Hermit Thrush
This species is found occasionally during the spring, mostly during late May (though there are records from mid-May to early June) with a single outlier summer record from mid-July that is likely to be of a failed breeding bird. It is a nearly annual migrant in the fall from late August through mid-October. It is […]
Wood Thrush
An extremely unexpected species to be found on St. Paul Island (or in Alaska for that matter), this single record is enough of an outlier that it is unlikely to be duplicated and unreasonable to state when other records are to occur. There are no other known records of this species within 2,500 miles of […]