An uncommon breeding bird in southeastern Alaska, this species is a very rare vagrant to western Alaska. The only local record being from late spring on St. Paul Island, along the lines of several other spring New World Warbler vagrants to the Pribilofs. However, one would expect future records would be most likely during September […]
Category: Birds of St. Paul Island
Brewer’s Blackbird
A rare vagrant to Alaska, primarily during the fall in the southeastern portion of the state, this was an unexpected arrival on St. George Island in both species and timing (summer), with no previous records anywhere near the Bering Sea region. This individual was likely a spring arrival to the state, which continued moving in […]
Cedar Waxwing
An uncommon species in southeastern Alaska, this species is a rare visitor to south-central Alaska in fall and winter. There is a single record from St. Paul Island in late September and no known further records from the western part of the state. An irruptive and mobile species that is cold-hardy, this species would be […]
Downy Woodpecker
The only record from the Pribilofs is from St. Paul Island in mid-October. Local movements of this species occur from September-November elsewhere within Alaska and any further records are likely to appear during this period. […]
Great Egret
There are two late fall (early winter) records of this species that come from St. Paul Island. This species is a rarity in Alaska from either side, with all records from western Alaska confirmed or presumed to be of Asian origin. Most records of this species in the Bering Sea region have come from early […]
Lapland Longspur
The most common breeding passerine in the Pribilofs, this species is abundant during much of the spring, summer, and fall, though it is absent during the winter. The males arrive first in the spring, typically during the last few days of April or first week of May, with the females often a week or so […]
Snow Bunting
This common species is found at all seasons on the Pribilofs, though large seasonal changes do occur. The nesting habitat for this species in the Pribilofs is mostly located in the lava fields and rocky interior of the islands, away from the road systems on St. Paul and St. George Islands, with locally nesting individuals […]
McKay’s Bunting
A sporadic migrant, extremely rare breeder, and regular winter visitor, this species is best found in early spring, late fall, or winter in the Pribilofs. During spring migration this species is most regularly found from May 20th to June 5th, and very rarely an occasional migrant has remained to breed among the much more common […]
Pine Bunting
A very rare vagrant to North America, this species has only been recorded in western Alaska during the late fall in October and November. The only Pribilof record (St. Paul Island) follows this late fall pattern of occurrence, which is typical for hardy species such as Old World Buntings in the Pribilofs. […]
Little Bunting
A rare vagrant to the Pribilofs that has been found on a few occasions in late fall, from mid-September to mid-October, which is similar to the timing of other Old World Buntings during the fall season. A regular vagrant to other locations in western Alaska during the fall, this species is likely more regular in […]