A very rare fall vagrant to the Pribilofs, this species has also been found once in the spring. All fall records, except a long late August record that is more of an outlier, have come from the second half of September when this species should most be expected. The spring record from mid-June is similar […]
Category: Birds of St. Paul Island
Harris’s Sparrow
A rare vagrant to Alaska, there is a single fall record for this species from the Pribilofs (St. George Island). The only known record of this species is an individual photographed during the fall, though the exact date is unknown. This species is most likely to be found along the same line as other Zonotrichia […]
White-crowned Sparrow
A rare vagrant during the spring that has been found in late May and early June, this species is regular, albeit still rare, during the fall in the Pribilofs. It is most commonly seen between September 5th and 25th, with a few records as early as late August and nearly annual sightings into mid-October when […]
Golden-crowned Sparrow
A rare spring migrant/vagrant that has been found much more regularly in the fall when it becomes one of the most common, and reliable, passerine migrants. Spring sightings are centered from May 25th to June 5th, with a few earlier spring records and an occasional bird as late as mid-June. The first fall migrants typically […]
Dark-eyed Junco
This is a rare spring migrant/vagrant, with the majority of spring records coming from the final 10 days of May. Fall records are more regular, though they typically arrive later than most other species. While the earliest records are from late August, this species is not regular until at least mid- September with a peak […]
Red-winged Blackbird
This very rare vagrant to the Pribilofs has a single late spring record: an individual that set up shop on St. Paul Island from mid-June to mid-July. This species is likely to be found during the fall in September or early October were future records to be made. […]
Brown-headed Cowbird
A very rare vagrant to western Alaska, the lone Pribilof record (St. Paul Island) falls during the same time period as records of the similar Rusty Blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) in late September. An annual fall vagrant to Alaska, this cold-hardy species is most likely to be found in late fall in September or early October. […]
Rusty Blackbird
A regular fall vagrant to the Pribilofs, this species has also been found during the spring season, though is much rarer at that season. The spring records from late May and early June fall within the standard time frame of spring passerine vagrants, while fall records have been recorded from early September to early November. […]
Gray Wagtail
A very rare species in the Pribilofs, this species is most likely to be found during the spring in early-mid June when half of all records have occurred. The only other spring records are from late May, while a lone summer record in late June is an unexpected outlier. Both fall records for this species […]
White Wagtail
A rare, spring vagrant to the Pribilofs with a dozen or so records that span the entire season although the best time to look for this species is from May 15th-25th. The latest spring record also constitutes the lone summer record and the only confirmed breeding record in the Pribilofs. The pair (which may have […]