A predominantly spring arrival in the Pribilofs, this species is less-than-annual at that time but still seen with some regularity. While records are scattered across much of the spring period from mid-May to mid-June, the majority of records have occurred from May 20th-June 1st and from June 15th-20th. The handful of summer records are generally […]
Category: Birds of St. Paul Island
Barn Swallow
This species has been found regularly during the spring and summer, though it shows only a broad pattern of occurrence in the spring with the records spread evenly from late May to late June (but a slight peak in the June 5th-15th period). It is found less frequently during the summer with regular records only […]
Common House-Martin
The records from the Pribilofs account for more than half of the records in North America for this species. It is best sought during late spring (mid-June) or early fall (August) much like other species of swallows in the Pribilofs, which are found late in the spring and early in the fall. […]
Red-breasted Nuthatch
A rare, but regular, vagrant to the Pribilofs, this species has been found almost annually when coverage has extended into the late fall period. The second half of September appears to be the most reliable time for this species to occur though they have been found across much of the fall period from late August […]
Pacific Wren
This is one of only three species of passerine that is a permanent resident in the Pribilofs. While always present in the islands, the populations on various islands are quite different with regular major population shifts due to winter weather. On St. George Island, this species is an uncommon to abundant resident depending on the […]
Golden-crowned Kinglet
This cold-hardy species is best found on the Pribilofs in late fall when it is a rare vagrant, with the best period to look being after September 20th into October and perhaps even beyond into the late fall and early winter period. Records of this species are likely to increase with further coverage of the […]
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
An annual fall migrant/vagrant in the Pribilofs, this species was not recorded prior to 1996 but has been seen during each fall with coverage past mid-September since that year. It is best found during the final week of September, though it has been found with some regularity between mid- September and mid-October. The single summer […]
Willow Warbler
A recent addition to the avifauna of North America, this species has proved to be a semi-regular vagrant to the Pribilofs in the fall during the 2010s. Recent records have mostly been clustered during the final week of August, which is likely the best time to look for this species in the islands, though an […]
Common Chiffchaff
Much like the Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus), this species was not recorded until very recently in North America, though it has since been found a number of times with a single Pribilof record (St. Paul Island) coming in early September, which fits the general pattern of vagrant Phylloscopus warblers in the islands. This species should […]
Wood Warbler
A long-distance migrant that breeds no closer to North America than central Russia, this species is a very rare vagrant to Alaska with two of the six records coming from St. Paul Island. All records of this species in Alaska have been from mid-September to early October, with the very end of September or first […]