Broad-billed Sandpiper

An extremely rare shorebird in North America, this species has only appeared eight times with six of those from the western Aleutians, one from New York, and the single individual found in late August on St. Paul Island. This record coincides with most other records from the Aleutians, with the end of August appearing to […]

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Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

This is a common fall migrant, which is found rarely in late summer and is accidental during the spring (late May and mid-June). Adult migrants are somewhat rare and so this species is not reliably found until the fall migration of juveniles, which begins in mid-August. The earliest southbound records are from early July, with […]

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Curlew Sandpiper

A declining species with limited records from Alaska in recent years, this species is best sought in the fall during the second half of August though records into mid-September suggest arrivals could happen across the shorebird migration period in that season. The spring records are towards the late end for spring shorebird migration, while the […]

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