Least Sandpiper

An uncommon breeding species, the first spring arrivals are typically found during mid-May (earlier records do exist) with small numbers of migrants and local breeders seen through late August in most years. This species is most easily found the last week of May and first week of June when migrants and breeders overlap, while the […]

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Buff-breasted Sandpiper

This species has been recorded almost exclusively during the fall in the Pribilofs and it has been found to be nearly annual at that time in recent years. There is a single mid-July record, which is the only summer report of this species with all remaining records being from mid-August to late September, though the […]

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Pectoral Sandpiper

An annual spring migrant in small numbers, this species becomes much more common in the Pribilofs during the late summer and fall. Spring migrants are rarely noted before May 25th and become rare again after June 5th. There are just a handful of mid-late June records, though this species does routinely show up during early-mid […]

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Semipalmated Sandpiper

A very rare spring migrant that also has several late summer and early fall records, this species is most likely to be seen during spring from May 25th-June 5th. Southbound records from summer and fall remain the minority though the rate of detection has increased in recent years with a number of August records lately. […]

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