A very rare vagrant to the state of Alaska, this species is an even rarer vagrant to western Alaska. The single record from St. Paul Island is only the second record for the Bering Sea region. It was found at a similar date as the other record in the region and mid-late September is likely […]
Category: Birds of St. Paul Island
Blackpoll Warbler
A widespread breeder in Alaska, this species is a very rare vagrant to the Pribilofs with just a handful of fall records. The records extend from the beginning of September to early October. Early-mid September is likely the best overall time to see this species, with the October records being a very late date for […]
Yellow-rumped Warbler
This species is a very rare spring migrant/vagrant that has been found from mid-May to mid-June, with most records from May 25th-June 5th. It is more common in the fall when it is a rare migrant from late August to late October. It is a late migrant and is most commonly found in the fall […]
Northern Waterthrush
A rare vagrant to the Pribilofs that has been found during the spring in early June and across most of the fall season. The two spring records are unusual for New World Warblers, which are predominantly found during the fall in the Pribilofs, while the fall records from late August to early October span the […]
Pallas’s Bunting
A vagrant to the Pribilofs, which has been found on one occasion on St. Paul Island in late fall during mid-October, which is similar to the timing of other Old World Buntings during the fall season. There is also a record of an unidentified Old World Bunting thought to be this species or the Reed […]
American Tree Sparrow
A rare vagrant that is about as likely to be found in the spring as fall, this species is not to be expected at any time, though the best periods to look are late May and mid-late September, when a majority of the records have occurred. This is a cold-hardy species that migrates early in […]
Chipping Sparrow
A regular fall vagrant to the Pribilofs, this uncommon breeder in interior Alaska is found regularly in western Alaska during the fall. Records span much of the fall period from late August to mid-October, though it is most likely to be found during mid-late fall from September 15th-October 5th. […]
Savannah Sparrow
A rare, but regular spring migrant/vagrant, this species can be found from mid-May to early June with a peak of occurrence during the final week of May. There remains a single summer record, from mid-July, with the earliest fall arrivals not until mid-August. A regular fall migrant to the islands, this species has been seen […]
Fox Sparrow
A rare vagrant during the spring season, this species becomes much more common during the fall. Of the spring records, a majority are from the second half of May with the few other records from mid-May or early June. In fall, this species has rarely been found prior to August 20th though it is regularly […]
Song Sparrow
This is a very rare species in the Pribilofs, with records during the spring, summer, fall, and winter. Many of these records are likely due to fall arrivals that remain through the winter and into the spring, as this species is extremely hardy. This species is most likely to be found during the fall in […]